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Wallin E. and Servin M. Data-driven model order reduction for granular media. Submitted manuscript (2020). pdf videos

Wiberg V., Servin M. and Nordfjell T. Discrete element modelling of large soil deformations under heavy vehicles. Submitted manuscript (2019). pdf videos


Servin, M. and Wallin E. Reduced order modeling for realtime simulation with granular materials. VIth International Conference on Particle-Based Methods - Fundamentals and Applications - PARTICLES 2019 (2019).

Hallén M, Åstrand M, Sikstrom J, Servin M. Reinforcement Learning for Grinding Circuit Control in Mineral Processing. 2019 24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Zaragoza, Spain, 2019, pp. 488-495. pdf

Wiberg V., Servin M. and Nordfjell T. Analysis of rut formation using particle-based terrain simulation. 52nd International Symposium on Forestry Mechanization (FORMEC), Sopron, Hungary (2019). pdf

Wiberg V. and Servin M. Particle-based terrain - A validation study. Technical report, Umeå University.


Servin M. and Brandl M. Physics-based virtual environments for autonomous earthmoving and mining machinery. Proceedings of the 5th Commercial Vehicle Technology Symposium – CVT 2018, ISSN 2198-7432, Kaiserslautern (2018).doi:10.1007/978-3-658-21300-8 pdf videos

Lindmark D. M. and Servin M. Computational exploration of robotic rock loading. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 106, pp. 117-129 (2018). pdf videos

Lacoursière C. and Härdin T. FMIGo! A runtime environment for FMI based simulation. Technical Report UMINF 18.03, Umeå University (2018). pdf

Berglund T., Mickelsson K-O. and Servin M. Virtual commissioning of a mobile ore chute. The 9nth International Conference on Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids (CHoPS), London, UK (2018). pdf videos

Thoeni K., Servin M., Sloan S. and Giacomini A. Designing waste rock barriers by advanced numerical modelling. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. (2018). videos 1 videos 2

Butt W-R. and Servin M. The importance of silhouette optimization in 3D shape reconstruction system from multiple object scenes. Submitted for publication (2018).

Butt W-R. and Servin M. Static object detection and segmentation in videos based on dual foregrounds difference with noise filtering. Submitted for publication (2018).


Lacoursière C. and Härdin T. FMI Go! A simulation runtime environment with a client server architecture over multiple protocols. Proceedings of the 12th International Modelica Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, May 15-17, 2017. link pdf

Thoeni K., Servin M., and Giacomini A. Using non-smooth multi-domain dynamics to improve the safety on haul roads in surface mining. The V International Conference on Particle-Based Methods: PARTICLES 2017. P. Wriggers, M. Bischoff, E. Oñate, D.R.J. Owen, & T. Zohdi (Eds). pdf abstract

Servin M., Berglund T., and Mickelsson K-M. Impact force analysis with the nonsmooth discrete element method. The V International Conference on Particle-Based Methods (PARTICLES 2017). abstract

Servin M., Berglund T., and Boström J. Computational modeling of flow and size segregation in a stockpile with multiple outlets. The V International Conference on Particle-Based Methods (PARTICLES 2017). abstract

Butt W-R., Servin M., and M. Pause. Object Detection in Digital Images Under Non Standardized Conditions using Illumination and Shadow Filtering. ICIPCVPR 2017: 19th International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pdf

Nordberg J. and Servin M. Particle based solid for nonsmooth multidomain dynamics. Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol 5(2), pp. 125-139 (2017). doi:10.1007/s40571-017-0158-3 pdf videos


Servin M. and Wang D. Adaptive model reduction for nonsmooth discrete element simulation. Computational Particle Mechanics, 3(1):107–121 (2016). doi:10.1007/s40571-015-0100-5 preprint pdf videos

Wang D., Servin M., and Berglund T. Warm starting the projected Gauss-Seidel algorithm for granular matter simulation. Computational Particle Mechanics, 3(1):43-52 (2016). doi:10.1007/s40571-015-0088-x, pdf youtube excavator web

Lacoursiere C. Hjelte Nils. Nilsson M. A data-oriented, task based design for high performance, parallel simulation of multibody system dynamics simulation. The Fourth Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics (IMSD 2016), Montréal, Canada, May 29–June 2, 2016.

M. Servin, J. Nordberg, and C. Lacoursière. Realtime strongly coupled vehicle-terrain dynamics. The Fourth Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics (IMSD 2016), Montréal, Canada, May 29–June 2 (2016).


Wang D. Accelerated granular matter simulation. PhD thesis. Department of Physics, Umeå University, Sweden, SE-901 87, Umeå, Sweden, Nov. 2015. pdf illustrative video

Lacoursière C. , Linde M., Lu Y., and Trinkle J. A framework for data exchange and benchmarking of frictional contact solvers in multibody dynamics. ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics, Barcelona, Spain (2015) pdf.

Servin M., Berglund T., Mickelsson K-O., Rönnbäck S., and Wang D. Modeling and simulation of a granulation system using a nonsmooth discrete element method. ECCOMAS IV International Conference on Particle-based Methods, Barcelona, Spain (2015) abstract slides

Wang D., Servin M., Berglund T., Mickelsson K-O., and Rönnbäck S. Parametrization and validation of a nonsmooth discrete element method for simulating flows of iron ore green pellets. Powder Technology, Vol. 283, 475-487 (2015). doi: 10.1016/j.powtec.2015.05.040 (2015) pdf youtube mp4

Zakrisson J., Wiklund K., Servin M., Axner O., Lacoursière C., and Andersson M. Rigid multibody simulation of a helix-like structure: the dynamics of bacterial adhesion pili. European Biophysics Journal, Vol 44 (5), pp 291-300 (2015). doi: 10.1007/s00249-015-1021-1, pdf preprint

Lideskog H., Wallsten J., Karlberg M., Athanassiadis D., Näsström M., Hedblom M., Servin M., Nordfjell T. Strategi och utmaningar vid utveckling av specialiserad drivningsteknik för skogsenergiskörd–SWOT analys och handlingsplan. Project report. Department of Forest Biomaterials and Technology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (2015). pdf


Lacoursière C. and Sjöström T. A non-smooth event-driven, accurate, adaptive time stepper for simulating switching electronic circuits. Technical Report UMINF 14.16, Umeå University, 2014. link

Lacoursière C. and Sjöström T. Variational Time Stepping Method for Analytical System Dynamics Models. IMSD2014-ACMD2014: The 3rd Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics, The 7th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics, BEXCO, Busan, Korea, June 30 - July 3 (2014). abstract

Lacoursière C., Nordfeldth F., and Linde M. A partitioning method for parallelization of large systems in realtime. IMSD2014-ACMD2014: The 3rd Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics, The 7th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics, BEXCO, Busan, Korea, June 30 - July 3 (2014). abstract

Nordberg J., Servin M., and Bergsten U. Modeling and validation of an elastoplastic terrain model for simulation of forestry machines. 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), July 20 - 25, 2014, Barcelona, Spain (2014). abstract

Lu Y , William J., Lacoursiere C., and Trinkle J.C. A framework for problem standardization and algorithm comparison in multibody system. ASME International Design and Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering (IDETC/CIE), Buffalo, NY, (2014).

Servin M., Wang D., Lacoursière C., and Bodin K. Examining the smooth and nonsmooth discrete element approaches to granular matter. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol 97, no. 12, 878–902 (2014). article preprint pdf web

Wang D., Servin M., and Mickelsson K. Outlet design optimization based on large-scale nonsmooth DEM simulation. Powder Technology, vol 253, pp. 438 - 443 (2014).article preprint pdf video web


Lacoursière C. , Linde M., and Melin N. A direct-iterative splitting method for real-time simulation of rigid multibody systems with frictional contacts. ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics, Zagreb, Croatia, July 1–4 (2013).

Wang D. and Servin M. Validation of a nonsmooth discrete element method by confined compression and rod penetration. Particles 2013 – ECCOMAS International Conference on Particle-based Methods, Stuttgart (2013). abstract slides

Wang D. and Servin M. Parametrization and validation of a nonsmooth discrete element method for simulating flows of mineral ore balls. Particles 2013 – ECCOMAS International Conference on Particle-based Methods, Stuttgart (2013). abstract slides

Lu Y., Williams J., Lacoursière C. , and Trinkle J. Standard Interface for data analysis of solvers in multibody dynamics. The 4th Canadian Conference on Nonlinear Solid Mechanics (CanCNSM 2013), McGill University, July 23-26, 2013, Montreal, Canada, Paper ID 814, (2013). pdf

Billing E. and Servin M. Composer - A prototype multilingual model composition tool. 7th MODPROD Workshop on Model-Based Product Development, Linköping University, – February 5-6 (2013). abstract slides

Back T. Ersson, Jundén L., Bergsten U., and Servin M. Simulated productivity of one- and two-armed tree planting machines. Silva Fennica, Vol 47, no. 2, article id 958 (2013). link


Lacoursière C. Real-time simulation of tracked vehicles on rough terrain. The Second Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics - IMSD 2012, Stuttgart, Germany in May 29 - June 1 (2012). pdf

Edlund J., Keramati E., and Servin M. A long-tracked bogie design for forestry machines on soft and rough terrain. Journal of Terramchanics, Vol 50, Issue 2, pp. 73-83 (2013). pdf preprint pdf video LTB (supplementary material)

Ersson B.T., Jundén L., Bergsten U., and Servin M. Simulations of Mechanized Planting – Modelling Terrain and Crane-Mounted Planting Devices. Mežzinātne 25(58)2012 - special edition: 15–19, The Nordic Baltic conference on forest operations OSCAR 2012 (2012). abstract slides

Backman A., Bodin K., Lacoursière C., and Servin M. Democratizing CAE with Interactive Multiphysics Simulation and Simulators. NAFEMS NORDIC Conference 2012 - Engineering Simulation: Best Practices, New Developments, Future Trends, 22 - 23 May 2012, Gothenburg, Sweden (2012). pdf

Jundén L., Bergström D., Servin M., and Bergsten U. Simulation of boom-corridor thinning using a double-crane system and different levels of automation. International Journal of Forest Engineering, Issue 1 (2013). DOI:10.1080/14942119.2013.798131 pdf web


Servin M., Lacoursière C. , Wang D., and Bodin K. Examining the smooth and nonsmooth discrete element approaches to granular matter. International Conference on Particle-based Methods (Particles 2011), Barcelona, Spain (2011). abstract slides

Wang D., Servin M., and Mickelsson K. Outlet design optimization based on large-scale nonsmooth DEM simulation. International Conference on Particle-based Methods (Particles 2011 ), Barcelona, Spain (2011).abstract

Bodin K., Lacoursière C. , Nilsson M., and Servin M. Constraint based particle fluids on GPGPU. International Conference on Particle-based Methods (Particles 2011), Barcelona, Spain (2011). abstract

Lacoursière C. and Servin M. Regularized multibody dynamics with dry frictional contacts. Euromech Colloquium: Nonsmooth contact and impact laws in mechanics, July 6th - 8th 2011, Grenoble, France, (2011) pdf, web

Bodin K., Lacoursière C., and Servin M. Constraint fluids. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol pp, Issue 99. 2011. IEEE computer Society Digital Library. IEEE Computer Society, <>, pdf, web

Servin M., Lacoursière C., Nordfelth F., and Bodin K. Hybrid, multi-resolution wires with massless frictional contacts. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume: 17 Issue:7, On page(s): 970 - 982, July (2011). IEEE computer Society Digital Library. IEEE Computer Society, <>, pdf, video


C. Lacoursiére. Quaternion-based constraints. Game Physics Pearls, chapter 8, pages 195–214. Editors: G. van den bergen and D. Gregorious. Taylor and Francis Group (2010). []

Lacoursière C. , Linde M., and Sabelström O. Direct Sparse Factorization of Blocked Saddle Point Matrices. Para 2010: State of the Art in Scientific and Parallel Computing, June 6-9, Reykjavík , Iceland (2010). [1]

Lacoursière C. , Servin M., and Backman A. Fast and stable simulation of granular matter and machines. DEM5 - The Fifth International Conference on Discrete Element Methods, 25-26, London, United Kingdom,(2010). pdf, web

Hansson A. and Servin M. Semi-autonomous shared control of large-scale manipulator arms. Control Engineering Practice, Elsevier, Vol 18, Issue 9, pp. 1069-1076 (2010). pdf, web


Bodin K., Lacoursière C., and Servin M. Method for simulating dynamic incompressible fluids using particle based spatial discretization and mass density constraints. Registered U.S. and European patent, US patent ID 61/183566 (2009).


Servin M., Wiklund K., Fällman E., Lacoursière C., Svebilius C., and Andersson M. Rigid multibody simulation of a helixlike structure - The dynamics of P pili. Internal report, Umeå, Sweden (2008). pdf

Servin M., Lacoursière C., and Nordfelth F. Adaptive resolution in physics based virtual environments. SIGRAD 2008, Stockholm, Sweden, (2008). pdf, web

Servin M. et al. Visual Simulation of Machine Concepts for Forest Biomass Harvesting. 10th Virtual Reality International Conference (VRIC '08 Laval Virtual), Laval, France (2008). pdf, web

Servin M. and Lacoursière C. Rigid body cable for virtual environments. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 14:783-796 (2008). pdf, web

Hansson A. and Servin M. Semi-autonomous Shared Control for Redundant Forwarder Cranes. Project report, Umeå University (2008). pdf web


Lacoursière C. Regularized, Stabilized, Variational Methods for Multibodies. The 48th Scandinavian Conference on Simulation and Modeling (SIMS 2007), pages 40–48, ISBN = 91-85643-17-3, Linköping University Electronic Press, (2007). pdf

Lacoursière C. Ghosts and machines: Regularized variational methods for interactive simulations of multibodies with dry frictional contacts. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Computing Science, Umeå University, Sweden, SE-901 87, Umeå, Sweden, Jun. 2007. pdf

Lacoursière C. A Parallel Block Iterative Method for Interactive Contacting Rigid Multibody Simulations on Multicore PCs. Applied Parallel Computing: State of the Art in Scientific Computing (PARA 2006), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 4699, pages 956–965. Springer, editor Kågström et al. (2007). pdf


Servin M. and Lacoursière C. Massless cable for real-time simulation. Computer Graphics Forum, vol 26, no. 2, 172-184 (2006). pdf

Servin M., Lacoursière C., and Melin N. Interactive simulation of elastic deformable materials. SIGRAD 2006 Conference Proceedings, Skövde, Sweden, (2006), ISBN 91-85643-17-3. pdf